Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another Trip Around the Sun

Another year, another Super Bowl, and one more left at Fuller. It is quite a bit surreal at the moment. Not for the sake of being surreal but more that I have had some very pleasant and wonderful surprises come into formation in the past month that I’d like to share.

As for the B’day itself, I guess things started on Saturday with a visit down to the brother’s pad in Irvine and playing Guitar Hero on his ‘Christmas’ Wii as well as some fierce some battles of Mario vs Sonic Olympics by all members present. It was good to see some friends from home who came out to wish my brother a happy B’day and then watch the Super Bowl with him. I have pictures, but they all came out blurry, but that might be very appropriate for the evening. I, on the other hand, had to drive home and thus did not take part in the festivities.

My Birthday was slightly more entertaining and there are a set of photos from that outing, of which I did take part, nay, lead the festivities and had a wonderful time. I had many friends who were there to take care of me and make sure I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. Mischievous B came out and played with me too, it was a good time.

Finally not 5 days later I got to preach my first sermon in front of a full congregation. I spend most of my teaching in smaller groups of high school kids, so this was a little different. I had a great group of folks come out and support me, which was a wonderful joy to have. We had an after party, which my brother came up to take part of along with my parents coming down to pay a visit.