Thursday, October 23, 2008


So … I’m doing music for my friend’s, Chuck and Sarah, wedding, which is both exciting and kinda scary. On one hand I have had the joy of watching the two of them walk into their relationship, which has really been something beautiful to watch (and call Sarah out on it). Seeing the final step as the walk into the rest of their lives will feel like bookends.

On the scary side I have never done anything this big in terms of music and while I don’t feel any pressure now (cause I only have one song they want so far), I’m sure that I will feel much more pressured as the time gets close and as I work out how to get the musical instruments from wherever I am to Minnesota, where I’m playing, what music I need to bring, and the pile of last minute details that go into ANY event.

At the end of this whole thing I know that God will be glorified, and that stuff will work out, and that some of the mistakes will be some of the things that will be treasured and remembered for the rest of their lives.

On the plus side … I think I will have the best ‘seat’ in the house … since the wedding party will have to be standing the whole time. At least I think I will have a seat ...

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