Friday, May 16, 2008

Jaw Dropping

Click here. Yes it is deep deep science, bear with it and listen to the final few words.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here and back … wait nope still here

Some random tidbits of mental depositing

Random Interweb Fact: xkcd. It will go over some people’s heads but there is enough in there that can be understood for basic humor. Knowledge of physics not needed for every comic.

Random Weird Fact: The night before I preached my sermon for class (so 5 days ago) I had a dream that I remembered. Since then I have fallen asleep with the simple prayer of “God help me remember my dreams” in addition to the rest of my conversation with God before I fall asleep. Result: 5 nights of dreams that I remember having. I just threw my dream journal back upstairs, time to take some notes.

Random Awesome Fact: Ironman. Go see it if you haven’t. Like go over to your movie showtime browser of choice and do it now. Not like tomorrow … Now! Yes it is that good. (And stay after the Credits)

Random Presby Fact: I am a candidate in the Presbyterian Church. For those who are not familiar with the Presbyterian process of ordination … that means that I am almost done, and the hard stuff is what is next.

Random School Fact: 4 more months of classes and 3 months of internship … that is it … WOW … (hasn’t fully sunk in yet).

Random Awareness Fact: Always try, and always say your piece. And then be willing to listen.

Random Monkey Fact: Kernie might be staying over for a week. SWEET! (Pocket hide your car)

Random Sermon Fact: Children’s sermons are always cooler if your sitting on a pink plastic stool only a foot high.

Random Music Fact: Trace Bundy is still brilliant. (Youtube)

Random Bonfire Fact: My guitar smells like burnt wood although it was nowhere near the flames.

That should do it. Oh wait ... Disneyland