Monday, July 17, 2006

Movies, Movies, Movies

I am on two weeks of vacation, and have been spending my money wisely. Good things (movies in this case) always come in threes and we go from funny to serious … I think. Please note that I hate receiving spoilers about movies I know I am going to see, so I will elude to spoilers, but not specifically come out an say it.

Cars - Fun

First off: Its P I X A R … that is all you need to know. If you have not seen this movie you need to seek another website that displays movie times and pick one.

I think the best part of this movie is the part dealing with a play on one of the greatest urban myths around. I will say no more, and if you see it coming, you will still enjoy it. All in all there are so many great moments within the movie, and make sure you stay around for the credits. Pixar has a superstition about John Ratzenberger that I never knew until I watched the commentary for The Incredibles. The part on the commentary is pretty much in the very last part of The Incredibles. Then again, you might be able to figure it out during the credits of Cars.

Final Comment: This movie will be added to my collection the day it comes out on DVD.

Pirates 2 - Scary fun

(Deep breath in, Deep breath out) I wish I could do an acrostic using the word amazing to describe my enjoyment of this movie. Between a furthering of the storyline (not going to say plot) and nice twist at the end I wait for the finale next summer with slightly less expectation than I had with Return of the King.

I appreciated some of the camera angle and the creativity of presenting some of the situations. On the top of my list is the organ, the watermill, and most of Davey Jones’ ship. However this movie is not for the faint of heart and is much ‘darker’ than the first one.

Final Comment: Now and again someone comes out with a very good review on a movie, this is pure satire by your neighborhood ninja. Also there is a post credits thing that is a final joke.

- Scary serious

Ok a slightly older movie that I haven’t seen, but I have to watch it for my class in August so I figured I would get a head start on it. While I’m sure I will be watching it two or so more times before mid August, I can say that I will be enjoying the time spent. Aside from being enjoyable and a couple of years old, it is so modern that it defies logic. I wish I could call this movie satire, but I know people that are like some of the characters in this movie. Most of them I haven’t seen in a long time and are really only second hand information.

I have watched it twice now (second time with the two main actress’ commentary) and working through some of the deep questions, and how perception and intention got blurred. Also how some times lines come across as a natural understanding have quite a different meaning if the brain is skewed just right. (It is in the scene where the HS pastor is talking to his son). In the end you have every character dealing with real life issues. Hits closer to home than is sometimes comfortable.

Final Comment: Good movie, makes you think. Not quite a Dogma thinking, but in my future dealings with a youth group I’m sure this will come up.

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