Friday, March 30, 2007

The Spring of aut 7

Finished on week of school already and I can tell that this quarter is going to be draining but highly encouraging. I have been looking at my quarter and there are very few large things that need planning for but many small ones.

Greek - 3rd and Final Quarter
Finally … I get to put all the pieces together and have it make sense. Translate and deal with tough stuff and work through some of the intricate things that go on between word relationships. I feel more energy about it than I did last quarter, but then again memorizing verb paradigms is never fun.

Modern Church History
Sometimes referred to by professor name (aka Thompson, John), this is the last bit of church history that I have to take and it has been quite a ride in going from one quarter to the next. This will probably require most of my intellectual energy this quarter, as it is a paper and reading type of class.

Grief, Death, Loss, and Dying
This will hands down be the most emotionally draining class I have every taken and probably will take (except perhaps from the school of hard knocks). I am pretty sure I will be staring down Tuesdays with a mix of joy and dread. Having already finished one book for the class I know that it is just going to be lots of self-examination. I am very happy that the class is not a pile of papers but rather the molding of hearts. Tuesdays have taken on a very odd feeling, I’m not sure if I am a “Tuesday person” yet, I hope to be by the end of the quarter.

Everything Else
I think my room has been the cleanest it has been since I moved furniture in. I actually feel like I can have company over and be hospitable rather than feeling like I have to apologize for the state of my room. Posters are up, I have a table for two that can serve four with a little shuffling around, my room has the feeling that I am able to live and not feel surrounded by chaos.

So I have sifted through most of my new music, and I make the following recommendation to everyone. Pick up Toby Mac’s Portable Sounds CD. The music just sits with you no matter the mood and has lyrics that inspire. It will be getting me through most of this quarter; it works as study music, relaxing music, and free time soundtrack.

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