Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Little R&R

I have said this verbally to some people, but man … am I glad that last quarter is over. I can remember feeling like a punch-me clown that would get back up only because I had to and not because I was taunting someone. This quarter has been much more fun with much less stress (so far)

I think the first thing is that I am again playing Frisbee (aka Therapy). Never have I had so much joy from running around like a dog catching a circular object. I almost had a diving catch this morning, instead I have a small grass burn but it is better than stress. I turned in my first paper of the quarter without having to stay up late, or feel like I was in crunch time. I have had time to play guitar not because I am slacking (well I kinda am) but because I have the time to do so. I have four-day weekends. I have my internship lined up for next year. my room is clean and able to entertain guests. I get to blog every week (or do if I remember to). But mostly I think I don’t have weights attached to every limb of my body and a pack strapped to my back.

I don’t say this to brag but over the past couple of weeks quite a few of my friends have commented on how worn down I looked at the end of last quarter. Looking back I can see the concern they had at the time and the love that they showed. I owe those people a thank you for being a calming force in my life when I normally try to fill that role for others, even in the middle of my own personal chaos. I have never had this much peace when looking ahead to a quarter, my calendar is not filled with 5 million things to do, but has a manageable number of events, activities, and leisure time.

As this quarter continues on I know that I will get busy, but for now I have rest, and it has been quite some time since I have had it.

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